Terms and conditions of using Tupa company's software

This statement was updated on April 22, 2021.

The present agreement between Tosee Pouyan e Arvand Company (Tupa, we, us) and you as a user, as the general terms of use of Tupa software services, is as follows. Please read the terms of this agreement carefully before registering to become a user or use these services. By registering as a user or simply accessing or using Tupa services: 1) You declare your agreement with the terms of this statement; 2) You state that you have the necessary legal capacity to conclude the contract. If the use of our services involves your use of the services of third parties, we will not be responsible for the services provided by third parties. If you have any questions regarding any of the provisions of this agreement, please contact us.

1- Definitions

Software: Applications are under the brand names “Tupa”, “Farmino”, “DryZero”, “Plantino”, “GrowLi”, “Algino”, “Germino” and “Landino”. Tupa services are updated by users through reports. We reserve the right to add, change, delete or modify these services at any time. User: Every natural person has legal capacity to use Tupa’s services (regardless of creating or not creating a user account). Children will not have the right to independently use the services and create an independent user account, and their use is only possible under the supervision and care of their guardian or legal guardian. Therefore, the guardian or legal guardian of the child will be responsible for all the behaviors and violations of the child from the conditions contained in this document. User Generated Content: Any content that a user of our softwares uploads is subject to this agreement and can be used by other users. To create content, you must have created a user account in Tupa.

2- Subject of the agreement

Subject to your continuous compliance with the provisions of this agreement, we grant you a non-commercial, referable, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use Tupa and you can use the subject of this agreement as follows: 1) Observing the weather condition, using the meteorological warning system, using specialized data and graphic charts in a non-commercial way. 2) Control and monitor the information of devices purchased from Tupa company. Tupa can refer to this document at any time and limit or completely cut off your access to its software and services. Therefore, we will not bear any responsibility, including for damages caused to the user due to the application of restrictions or complete termination of Tupa.

3- Terms of using Tupa services

Basic user requirements: To use our services, a device with compatible software and active internet access is required. These two factors have a direct impact on the quality of performance and the way Tupa services are provided. This software is currently only active on Android devices. Some Tupa services can only be provided if your device’s location is enabled. For more information in this field, be sure to read the user’s personal information protection policy. Cost of use: Farmino software is a free software and you will not incur any costs from us to install and use this software on your device. However, it is obvious that an Internet connection is required to access Tupa services, and for this reason, the Internet service provider may charge you for using the Internet. It should be noted that subscribers who use Tupa services inside the country will be charged half price for internet. User Account: You can use Tupa software and services without creating an account. In this case, Tupa will collect and store your information in accordance with the user’s personal information protection policy. This information helps us to provide better services. In order to use some services (for example, controlling devices, using a personal database, transferring and buying and selling devices, etc.), you need to create a user account.

4- Limitations of use

Your commitment to fully comply with this section is a prerequisite for us granting you the right to use Tupa services. You will not be able to perform the following actions while using these softwares: A. attempt to decipher, reverse translate, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code, algorithm, or file format of the Tupa Services; Whether this action is done by you personally or through other persons on your behalf. B. Attempting crawling, scraping and using any robot, spider and scraper to automatically access the site and database for any purpose. C. Using Tupa Services to provide your own or third party services to others. D. modify, alter, manipulate, decompile or revise this software or any part thereof. E. Transfer, sub-license, assignment and distribution of material and intellectual rights belonging to Tupa and, in general, sharing the rights arising from this agreement with third parties, as well as creating a new product or service that is based on the rights arising from this agreement. F. Disabling, circumventing, or otherwise disrupting Tupa’s security features or disrupting our Services; G. transmit malicious codes, viruses, computer worms and anything of a malicious or deceptive nature to Tupa or through Tupa to others; H. Removing, erasing and changing the brand name, trademark, logo, domain name and any distinguishing features of the Tupa brand and other brands belonging to Tupa that are used in it; I. access or use our Services in a manner that infringes our or third parties’ intellectual property rights; J. Using our services for criminal purposes or committing criminal acts against persons (real and legal) or the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Examples of prohibited activities do not exclusively include the mentioned items, and the user is obliged to personally refrain from taking actions that violate the law and public order by becoming aware of the relevant laws and regulations.

5- System ownership and intellectual property rights

5-1. You acknowledge and confirm through this agreement that all rights and interests of Tupa (including its site, software and database) and rights and interests related to its intellectual property, including but not limited to copyright, trade secrets, Trademarks, etc., are owned by Tupa and you will have only a limited and revocable right to use Tupa in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. None of the provisions of this agreement shall be considered as our waiver of Tupa’s intellectual property rights, which have been identified and recognized in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. 5-2. The use of Tupa services and their content does not create any material and intellectual property rights for the user. Tupa reserves the right to block access and use of the service if it sees any unauthorized or illegal use.

6- Content created by the user

As a Tupa user, you can perform the following actions in the ways provided by us, and all these actions will be considered as user-generated content: a) Creating a personal database to control the devices through the form in the software; b) updating information about geographic location; c) Expressing opinions about devices. The responsibility of using the user account is solely with the user because the username and password are unique to the user and no one else knows the password. For this reason, the user must be careful to save and maintain her login password, and Tupa is not responsible for the misuse of your user account by others. The content created by the user does not reflect the views of Tupa and Tupa is not and will not be responsible for the accuracy, correctness, legality and up-to-dateness of these contents. At the same time as registering the content created by the user, you allow the non-exclusive and irrevocable use of the content created by you to Tupa and other users of Tupa. Therefore, Tupa is allowed to use or copy the legal and legitimate content created by the user, in a commercial or non-commercial way. Other users can use such content only for non-commercial purposes. Tupa reserves the right to review content created by you before or after it is submitted by you. Therefore, we can prevent the publication of content created on Tupa or remove it at any time after publication.

7. Disclaimer

According to this agreement, Tupa disclaims any responsibility regarding the content published by the user and the material and moral damages that may result from their publication, uploading or destruction, and only in case of receiving a judicial order, actions will be taken. will take appropriate action regarding these contents. Before publishing the desired content, the user must personally ensure its compliance with the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the provisions of this agreement. Tupa disclaims any responsibility for the quality of the internet and intranet, cable, radio, wireless and telecommunication networks and other factors beyond Tupa’s control, as well as all damages caused by the way users use the software and the site. The information provided in Tupa is not definitive or absolute information and the user only uses Tupa’s services as a facilitating tool and the use of these services is not a substitute for due caution and care on the part of the user. Tupa disclaims any responsibility for the misuse of services provided to the user by third parties (or without the user’s knowledge) and all damages that will be caused to the user as a result of the actions of third parties.

8. Privacy

The user’s personal information protection policy, which can be seen in thissection, clearly explains Topa’s approach to how personal information is collected, stored and used. The terms and conditions of this policy are considered part of the document of terms of use of services.

9. How to end using Tupa servces and softwares

Tupa may add or remove features or functions on the Site and Tupa Software, or simply reduce its limits or add new limits, at any time at its sole discretion. Tupa may also completely stop or suspend one of its services. Tupa’s effort is to make changes for the satisfaction of users, but the decision to continue using the changed services is yours.

10. Violation of conditions

If any violation of the provisions of this document is observed, Tupa will block the offending user’s account and can limit or terminate the offending user’s access to Tupa’s website and software to the extent that the available technologies provide such a possibility. Also, Tupa will always reserve the right to follow up through legal means. Abusing Tupa services in any way, such as using service disruption, using malicious and spying programs, using robots and any type of malicious method to access site information, software and its contents through any system and network, causing disruption and imposing burden Adding to any of Tupa’s services and servers is prohibited, and if such activities are observed, Tupa reserves the right to follow up by legal means. Also, Tupa blocks the user account of the offending person and can limit or cut off the offending user’s access to Tupa’s site and software to the extent that the existing technologies provide such a possibility. If the necessary measures (including blocking the user account, terminating access to the Tupa site and software, or legal follow-up) are not taken immediately, it does not mean that we have ignored the violations or stopped exercising the rights raised.

11. Changes to this document

The contents mentioned in this document are not permanent and may be subject to change and revision due to changes in Tupa’s policies. If these changes are important, all users will be notified. In any case, your continued use of Tupa services will mean accepting the changes made in this document. If these changes are important, all users will be notified.

12. Comments and information

Share your questions, criticisms and suggestions with us via email. Rest assured that we will respond to you as soon as possible and use your useful comments to improve our services.